You're invited!

Join us for an exclusive Professional Development Workshop in collaboration with Manchester Digital, as part of their first-ever FinTech Week. We'll delve into the art of crafting a Customer Experience (CX) that not only captivates but also fuels your Customer Acquisition efforts.

As Seth Godin wisely puts it, "The reason it seems that price is all your customers care about is that you haven't given them anything else to care about." In the fierce landscape of attracting new customers, the initial instinct often leads people to overemphasise price as the primary factor in their decision-making process. However, when we observe real-time decision-making, the price typically lands somewhere around fourth or fifth in importance.

So, the question arises: How can we strategically optimise the customer experience to ensure we make the most out of our marketing investments while growing our businesses?

Discover the keys to crafting an experience that firmly establishes your brand as the top choice, even when you may not be the most budget-friendly option. It's a workshop you won't want to miss – a chance to gain invaluable insights and take your customer-centric strategy to the next level.


10am - 12pm, Friday 22nd September 2023


Online via Zoom Webinar

Meet The Speakers

Steve Gale - Chief Commercial Officer @ CTI Digital


Nina Mack - CX Director @ CTI Digital

Nina headshot