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  • Cti digital at drupal camp pannonia 2019

We’re thrilled to be attending Drupal Camp Pannonia from the 1st to 3rd August!

Ratomir and Dejan from the CTI Serbia office will be attending Drupal Camp to discover the biggest breakthroughs of the Open Source platform in 2019.


The Grand Terrace in Palić, where Drupal Camp Pannonia is held.


Held in Palić, Serbia, near the Hungarian border, Drupal Camp Pannonia brings together some of Europe's top Drupal experts for a weekend of knowledge sharing and Open Source collaboration.

CTI Digital has long worked with a global roster of clients serving international customers. In early 2019, we made a permanent investment in Europe and opened a Serbia office. 

We selected Serbia as the Drupal community is growing quickly and filled with world-class talent. Supporting Drupal Camp Pannonia is a crucial part of our investment in the European Drupal community. If you’d like to chat with Dejan or Ratomir about CTI Digital or Drupal, please email hello@ctidigital.com to set up a meeting.


Dejan (Left) and Ratomir (Right)

We're pleased to announce Dejan (@dekisha007) is also conducting a session on Day 1, Friday 1st August at 15:45. He'll be delving into a new front-end practise we have developed at CTI Digital using Pattern Lab.

Here's what to expect:

  • Pattern Lab and Atomic Design in Drupal
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Advantages of Vue.js over React in Drupal
  • Wrapping all of the above up with CTI’s custom base theme


Be sure to catch Dejan’s talk on day 1, along with a host of brilliant sessions and workshops by checking out the online schedule.

Or follow @dcpannonia and @CTIDigitalUK for all the action on twitter.

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