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  • Books every magento 2 developer should read

Updated: This article was last updated on the 31st January 2018

Since the announcement of Magento 2 in November 2015 we've been on a journey of discovery; getting to grips with the new platform, adjusting our tooling and completing our Magento 2 trained partner status. In addition to this, we've been delivering some awesome projects for clients and are well underway with our first Magento 2 build; which, as you can imagine, has been keeping us rather busy.

The following article shares a series of books that we believe are a must read for every Magento 2 developer, helping you stay ahead of the curve, in one of the fastest-moving industries in the world.

PHP Objects, Patterns, and Pracice:

At PHP level Magento 2 introduces several new 'Design Patterns' which are repetable code solutions to solve common occouring problems.

If you're coming to Magento 2 from Magento 1 or are starting to learn Magento 2 for the first time this book helps to lay the foundations of what is to come and introduce you to some of the new design patterns used in Magento 2 such as the Decorator Pattern, Proxy Pattern and Strategy pattern to name but a few.

Mastering Magento 2 - Second Edition:

Written by Bret Williams and Jonathan Bownds and published in June 2016 the book provides a thorough overview of the Magento 2 platform and covers areas such as customising themes, creating modules and provides a go-live checklist for your first Magento 2 launch.

Magento 2 Developers Guide:

Written by Banrko Ajzele and published in December 2015 this book provides a great overview into the Magento 2 platform and provides sufficient orientation for a Magento 1 developer who is first approaching the platform.

Magento 2 Cookbook

Written by Ray Bogman & Vladimir Kerkhoff and published in March 2016 this book is aimed at developers who want to get their hands dirty writing Magento 2 code. The book walks you through some applied examples of creating themes and extensions.

Rounding up

Magento 2 is a platform undergoing constant development. As the platform matures over the next few quarters I would expect to see future editions of these books published. 

In the meantime, you can stay up-to-date with the latest Magento 2 developments in the following places:

Magento 2 Developer Documentation
Magento 2 GitHub Project
Magento University


CTI Digital Launches Magento 2 Cache Permissions Module


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